Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Angel of Death: Value of life
When Gareth was still a harbinger of death, he once said. "The more I learn of men, only increases the mystery of their ways."
The autumn breeze blows the oak tree leaves, rustling layers of the year gone past. Fish paint the blue stream canvass, the signs of life abundant in bloom. The lazy sun rests behind the silky clouds, sparing the earth it's scorching fury. How peaceful it is, this time of year, a time of rest.
Except for this cottage in clearing. Work is being carried out. The cries of desperation, the cries of fear, clear and loud in the cool autumn breeze. What work goes on? Speculate, we only can.
Let's us ignore that noisy little cottage, and follow the stream. Trace its path till a bridge spans the water. There is where the focus of our story should come to rest. For the moment just imagine a man, to be more exact the kind of man you take a look at and form no opinion at all. He reminds you of nothing, he resembles nothing. Neither attractive nor repulsive, just plain unassuming. However, on further examination, he speaks of innumerable winters, and expounds a loneliness that inexorably leaves you in awe, and at that instant, that feeling fades back to a mere mediocrity.
His name is Gareth.
He watches the fish. Gareth likes it that way, no one bothers to ask him to explain his fascination with fish. If they did bother to ask, they will find out it is not an obsession with fish, but a fascination with life. What's there not to be fascinated with life, Gareth always said. More so considering the trials God puts it through. Gareth admired it's unrelenting resilience, even in the face of a inevitable demise, the end of it's time, known as death.
Gareth gazed dreamily through the stream, as deeper thoughts slowly filled his consciousness, until he was interuppted a black figure upon the stout oak. A raven looked curiously at the strange man on the bridge.
The raven is considered to be the messenger of death in many cultures around the world. That belief is not entirely accurate, nor is it entirely baseless. In general, birds are always attracted to the presence of Gareth, you see, Angels produce a harmonic balance in the immediate surroundings which birds find particularly soothing. In fact, not just birds, all living things feel it, they notice it. Dogs always bark incessantly in his presence and cats though they could not be bothered with making much noise, they always stare at him. Man never understood this feeling, so they ignore it. The part about ravens? That's just prejudice on man's part.
"It's time"
Gareth started off in the bearing off the cottage.
Chester started on the task at hand, he motioned two the 2 audience present to approach the table. A short introduction to the collection of shiny trinkets, all different manner of blades designed specifically to cut up flesh, and the two guests weighed the instruments in their hands.
Deft strokes to gauge the balance, distinguished these two men as adroit warriors. Men who were as much in their element as a cat in the river. Then again, it is not for Chester to be judging others, after all, his responsibilty is to impart on them his knowledge and skills.
Wishing no further delay, Chester picked out his favourite. With the poise and calm of an expert He slowly approached the figure lying upon the table. Bound and gagged no less. Don't want any struggling do we?
Then the door opened. The two men looked at the late comer with slight disdain and focused their attention on the table once again. Chester nodded at the newcomer and welcomed him.
Gareth smiled in a show of friendship. He learnt years ago that a smile was a sign men considered as a display of non-aggression. So he had learnt to use it as well.
And just as well that Chester could not care less. A deep breath later, the task at hand commenced. Chester the great surgeon performed the dissection of the chimpanzee with the slightest of efforts. Skin, flesh and bone come apart with the bare minimum of bloodshed. As two men watched on in awe, Gareth only watched.
The lungs of the primate laid exposed as it still carried out it's function, The men lauded Chester for his mastery of the craft, imploring him to begin his lecture on the respiratory system. 3 men discussed the inner workings at length, while Gareth stood on the spot, deep in thought.
He asked. "Why must men sacrifice a life for the purpose of amusement?
Chester looked him in the eye and corrected. "Not amusement my good fellow, but for the sake of progress, we must have a platform upon which we could hone our skill."
In unison the two men said. "Agreed, agreed, how else can surgeons perfect their craft?
Gareth then proceeded to inquire. But why must you use the life of an ape?"
Chester regarded this young lad with a questioning stare. "Why, my lad, surely you would not advocate the sacrifice of a human life? Of course we use an ape's life! How can we use a human soul for such purposes? Surely you are not equating an ape to a man?"
Gareth shrugged his shoulders. "But a life is a life, given to men, to apes, to all that lives, life is one and life is all, a life is still a life. Surely you do not imply that one man's life is two ape's life?
Chester laughed at the young lad's folly. Dear boy, according to such logic, would it not be fair to suggest that men should harvest the flesh of men for consumption."
Gareth felt no flaw in that logic, but was interupted by Chester.
Chester continued. "You see, in such situations, a life has to be forgone, but would men rather let another men die? For men would alwaysside with men, it is within his nature to be inclined to his own kind."
Gareth thought for a while almost on the verge of enlightenment when he hit upon a dead end. "Then pray tell why do men butcher each other in the act of murder? Is it not true that men are the greatest killer of men?"
Chester smiled at the young lad. "Yes, you are not wrong. Man would of course kill another as easily as he would take the life of another animal. Man will do anything to protect himself, but not the whole race of men. Man fears daeth, but he will try to disguise that fear. Hide it from the world, and more importantly, from other men. That is why man will create 'morals', to teach other men not to kill. However, it is in hope that their own life wll not be threatened. Man would never show his vulnerability, not to other men, and most importantly not to death."
Gareth face was transfixed with incomprehension. What was there to fear about him? It is not like he would cauuse them any pain.
Gareth thanked Chester and excused himself, he walked out the door and trailing him, a pale spectre of the ape. Gareth looked it in the eye and asked it. "Am I that horrifying? Do I look scary to you"
The ape just stared him blankly.
Gareth ushered it along. "I don't understand them either. Come along, let us get a move on." The ape followed him obediently.
At times like this, Gareth always felt that life existed just to spite him. He sighed.
pondered @ 19:55