Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Thursday, November 04, 2004
2 books in 4 days... Hmm...

For some very weird resons, I could not access my blog last night... As a result, a whole tonne of creativity went down the drain.

Ok, I exagerate, but I was intending to resume writing the book of Windsong last night. Just as well that i went to sketch the rough plan of Ashgarn.

I don't like keeping secrets, and wone day, I am just going to blurt it out. Then perhaps the SAF will then try to court martial. What the heck. I didn't ask for all this.

That's not saying everything's bad. It's quite fine really. It's a opportunity only a select few get. Heck, I think I've said too much.

There's so much activity in my brain, and woderful pictures are being painted. It's been a while since I've felt this alive!

The new NBA season has also commmenced, and that of course means there'll be basketball to watch! Hopefully work can resume on "Basketball Story."

That leaves "Angel of Death", definitely going to be work on that too. Reading about Death in the discworld series have added further insights and a deeper understanding of how an agent of death might actually think.

These 3 babies of mine have been neglected and I truly am sorry, but things are going to change around here. Work is going to be done!

Gavin pondered @ 20:15

Under the layers of dust