Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Sunday, October 31, 2004
Time to spread a little cheer and joy~

I guess maybe the recent posts have sounded rather depressing... But it's unavoidable when you've been put through the load of nonsense I had to endure. Coupled together with a sudden and unexpected realisation that I was developing a split personality.

But all's fine. Just that an epiphany don't really make people sound cheerful. But I'll try =)

In fact, I'm pretty much enjoying the rediscovery of all the things I used to love.

Been reading quite a bit these days, and for once, since I don't remember when, the images that always float in my mind are back. The creative touch, lost for a moment, has been rediscovered albeit still unable to match the fervour it once possessed. No matter, it is my responsibility to make it soar to greater heights.

Though it is undeniable that some things will never be as they were, but that is by far a valid reason to justify losing the old qualities, the old self. Why did I find a need to reinvent myself?

Complacency. That's why. I got cocky, and over-confident. That's one lesson I must not forget.

No matter, it's never to late to change.

And there's so much to do! Gotta go get my driver's license, gotta go take more beautiful photos, gonna go reada many many more books, have to continue drawing all my stories. Gosh I feel so alive! Not to mention I have a new baby cousin to play with! And of course, there's so much more basketball to play, so many more friends to meet up with! What a rush! What a rush!

Maybe I'll even get a chance to fall in love? Although I suspect it's going to take more than a miracle while I'm still in NS, but when it's time to go to University... I just can't wait. When I can live outside a system... That's what I do best. Lemme keep my hair again, let me wander whereever I wish. Oooo... It's so enticing. The day when I can say "ORD!" and have my pink IC returned... No matter how much I hate that photo on the IC... It's still better to have it back in my possesion.

Yeah... It's all good!

P.S: YINGMEI! You're supposed to be studying! But I'm also glad that you make time to read my blog. I'm honored, and also sorry that the entries are depressing... I'd like to say a heartfelt thank you, to you and all my friends out there!

Gavin pondered @ 21:17

Under the layers of dust