Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Thursday, July 08, 2004

I had inspiration to write a post a few hours ago, but I was too occupied with work to get down to writting it. Now, I forogt what in the world I wanted to write... Gah!
Why am I using Blogspot? Well... Opendiary takes a very long time to load on the coms in the office.

Played ball with my seniors yesterday... That's about the most interesting thing I did this week? Ah well... Weekend coming soon. Wonder how I'm gonna settle the clash in my schedule... I've got the observatory concert and I 've also been invited by my juniors to the Drama Club's post SYF party on saturday... Argh.... How? I dunno... Just waiting for the details to come in from the drama club side.

Gotta go abck to work now...

Gavin pondered @ 13:10

Under the layers of dust