Thursday, March 18, 2004
First, this has nothing to do with the movie(Robin Williams one. Quite a nice movie, I would recommend the DVD), but it's more of what the future holds.
Spent most of the past 2 days discussing plans for the fututre. Or more exactly, helping Kathleen figure out what path to take. She was unsure if she should take medicine in Ireland, or go to Australia to study Aeronautics.
After talking at length, I guess she came to her conclusion, which was to apply for the medicine course in Ireland. Well, hopefully she will be accepted into the University. As she said, it's not what she ultimately wants in life. She wants to work with kids, maybe a pedaetrician, or even open a child care center.(her love for children is simply astounding!) But I guess, many times, we have to take a path that we do not like. Like so many paths I've taken, but then it is our responsiblity to accept that present, and not begrudge the past. It is easy to blame the past, but we often fail to realize that we have the ability to change the present.
Well, this afternoon, just as I came back forom practice, and was cooking lunch, I heard my mobile phone's sms tone. Well... I was expecting an M1 service mail at that strange hour(hardly receive msg around lunch) so I decided to check it after I finished with the kitchen.
Well, it was Kathleen, and she had decided to revoke her previous 2 choices and instead, opt for accountancy. Well, that's a good choice too, and on the bright side, she'll be staying in Singapore, at least for the duration of the accountancy course.
Well, I'd like to say "You go girl!" Though you think yours is a decision that no one supports, you'll know that at least, you have my support. So don't stress yourself over your family's comments. The important thing is being sure of your choice, and not trying to resent it. =)
As for myself... Well, talked to ehr about my plans for the future too... Which I've come to realized that I have a heck lot of dreams.
When she asked "What do you plan to do?"
My answer was a list. "Game design, work with a formula one team, design cars, design planes, design clothes, design advertisements, draw comics, become an artist, become a social worker, becaome a digital designer, become an actor(stage), become an author... and the list goes on"
My god... hahaha. Seems like Gavin is interested in almost everything around him... So many things to do, so many things to learn, but just one life to spend. And now, I'm looking forward to upgrading my PES states for NS so that I'd be able to qualify for OCS(officer Cadet school) in the army. I'm like, "I'mg going NS, so might as well learn stuff I will never learn outside National Srvice."
Hahaha... The over zealous and ambitious side of me strikes yet again. Well, when all's said and done, it'll all depend on which course I get to in NUS also. Which reminds me... gotta rememebr to get the NUS prospectus from Kath.
Well, I think I'm going to stop here for today. See you guys around, and hope everyone has a wonderful day~
pondered @ 20:53