Sunday, March 28, 2004
First, I wanna say this "Logitech sucks!" yet another mouse breaks down within a year since it was purchased... I'm starting to hate Logitech. first it was the trackball, then the wireless mouse... Now even a normal mouse spoils less than 12 months since it was bought... Grr... I'm using my thumb-sized trackball(Not a Logitech product) now... Don't think i'll get a new mouse until I get my first pay from NS, which would be quite soon.
Yeah... April's coming... means I'm going to have to serve National Service soon. Bummer...
Oh yeah... i kinda left a few slices of apple in front of my fan and forgot about them till 2 hours later... Gosh... Oxidation is indeed a scary thing. What a waste of apples too... that was the last Fuji apple in the fridge... Oh well... I guess I just have to go buy somemore tomorrow.
Did I mention that I stoned a whole weekend away... Yeah... That's right. Some people are just too thick in the head to get clues... either that or they're deliberately acting this way... Fine... Whatever. I have grown rather uninterested of late. It's just too much effort, if you get my drift. Maybe I won't bother about it anymore, maybe I won't bother you anymore.
Cryptic lines... Don't you just love em? I hope no one figures it out anyways.
And the biggest decision that needs to be made this week... To cut my hair or not to cut my hair... I have a pproximately 3 weeks left... Should I Go get one more cut before it;''s all shaved off or should I leave it as it is? Though choice... I wanna try one last hairstyle, but then again... I feel I should save the money. Maybe I'll let fate decide. If wednesday comes without me speniding more than $20, then maybe I'll cut it...
Anyways, I guess I'll be signing off here today~ Hipe everyone has a nice day~ See you guys around!
pondered @ 22:32