Precocious. Little. Clover. Devil

Thursday, December 05, 2002

At first I was worried, became sad, then finally, a little angry to mix in this little cocktail. Wow, what a mix that must be, who'd take it?

Not everything is given by choice sadly... Something we all should understand. It's not as though I like to have such a concoction, but circumstances force me too...

A week... pretty short some'll say. An eternity I say. Especially when you hear nought of the one you love... You lie back, thinking, wondering, wasting. Every minute drags on... powerful stuff. Worry. Worried that something might have happened. Sad. Hurt that she didn't contact me. I tried calling, not home... sms? No reply. Angry. Furious that she could care less about me... Did she even care?

The days dragged on, and that's putting it mildly. She finally called me today, just as I was about to fall asleep in the afternoon. I hardly sleep in the afternnon. I guess the mental torment was sapping my strength.

We talked, but the conversation was brief, well, brief compared to before. I'm no longer worried, nope, but then, I'm still hurt, and still a little angry. My mind saying:" Someone had to email you in order for you to know something was amiss!?" I don't know what to think...

On the bright side, I'd be seeing her on Saturday. 2 more days. Let's see how it turns out.

Gavin pondered @ 18:55

Under the layers of dust