Saturday, September 29, 2007
Not amused at all
Why does Meiji bottle their chocolate milk and coffee milk in similar colours?
Why is that bottle in the fridge, coffee milk, not chocolate milk. Again?
pondered @ 11:23
Friday, September 28, 2007
Food for thought
"They do not want you to think too much, that is why our country and our world has become so proliferated with mass media, television show, amusement parks, drugs, alcohol and every kind of entertainment to kepp the human mind entertained. So that you don't get in the way of 'important' people by doing too much thinking." Think about it.
pondered @ 16:03
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
On philosophy and a return to it
There's a prevailing school of thought that seeks to give each individual's beliefs and convictions merit. Such a school of thought was especially appealing to a mind such as mine.
Consider a case like that of the famous Robin Hood. He who robs from the rich and gives to the poor, was lauded by the populace as a hero. If by a certain twist of fate, that book had been written by John, Robin Hood would for certain be portrayed as a villainous and heinous knave, and most certainly, an associate of chaos.
The same could be said of Guy Fawkes. His actions leave much room for debate.
For certain, every person has, and for every action, there exists justifications and reasons. It is only natural, for a billion different people in a thousand different environments to grow up with varying systems of beliefs. As much as the environment is a product of mankind, mankind is likewise, a product of its environment.
The biggest quandary lies in the choice between which and what to stand for. Neutrality or conviction, belies the fundamental struggle men often find themselves faced with.
Conforming with the environment or staunch belief in principles, remain a constant point of contention in the heart of society.
Whilst neutrality (by neutrality, I reference a state of neutrality towards all ideological and moral arguments) ensures a good rapport with the crowd, it entails a weak will. A strong belief in one's principles on the other hand, riles the feathers of the crowds begging to differ from those values.
When all's said and done, when men find themselves standing at the end road, they need some assurance of the worth of the journey. A man of neutrality would have reached the destination by the whims and fancies of those in power, whereas the man of principle reaches a destination via his efforts and struggles.
Simply put, the man of neutrality might find himself in better fortune than the man of principle, but who is better of spiritually? When it comes to the end road, material wealth is but one measure of success. Spiritual, ideological, philosophical and emotional achievements constitute a whole slew of gauges one has to measure up to.
Pray choose your path.
----------amidst that emotional outburst, I find some semblance of the life I would like to lead. Principles and values might all be subjective measures, relative to the environment, but a man is entitled to change his environment too. They are but what defines you, principles that shape the character, solid as a rock and with a foundation secure, that we can embark on any undertaking.
I acknowledge that my definition of neutrality is weak and poor. It hardly suffices to convey the type of non-commitment that I seek to chronicle, but I try my best within the limits and confines of language. Neutrality not in being non-involved in violence, but a neutrality that seeks to put you in favour of the victorious
I used to think a man is required to shape and change the world in his lifetime, regardless of the ends and means. Of late, a realization that a billion individuals cannot expect to change the world a billion times over. It would be simply chaotic at the very least.
Instead, might the true worth of a person lie in not destroying, but leaving the world without causing it harm?
Plausible? I believe so.
This might just be the beginning of a return to a more desirable mental state of mind for my sake.
pondered @ 21:31
Sunday, September 23, 2007
moon cake fest!
The chinese have their own calendar, the lunar calendar. In this calendar, the 15th of the 8th months is the occassion known as the lantern festival.

So we took the liberty of buying harmesh one.
And of course, the "proper", paper ones for the rest.

And there will be sparklers, and mooncakes!

Added in with the modern twist of yakult.

Yakult posing time!

And the whole gang

pondered @ 11:31
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Buffalo Wings
From Wikipedia:
Buffalo wings, chicken wings, or simply wings are chicken wing sections (called flats and rounds), deep fried, and coated in sauce. Although many variations on this sauce exist, the standard Buffalo sauce is composed of only two ingredients: a vinegar-based cayenne hot sauce such as Frank's/Durkee's and margarine or butter. Purists will argue that margarine is required for the right consistency and taste. Most wings are prepared without breading, although this style is not exclusive. Buffalo wings are named after the city of Buffalo, New York, where they originated, and the appellation "buffalo" is now commonly applied to foodstuffs other than wings that are seasoned with the sauce or close variations on it... Read more...Mei said "There's a place which serves good buffalo wings near my place."
A short misadventure later, along Sembawang, and we finally found the place. Buckaroos. Bruschetta, Onion rings and Calamari later, 2 very stuffed people struggled to move their very bloated selves out of the little ranch-styled joint in quite literally, the middle of nowhere.
Apparently, that's just hafl the good stuff they have there. Clam chowder in a bread bowl, bbq-ed ribs, and the deep fried button mushrooms.
Review to come, later, maybe someday, when I'm not lazy.
pondered @ 00:34
Sunday, September 16, 2007
There are 3
Desire, Hope and Trust. Ideals, belief and conviction.
Desire you hurt and wound, far you are, never within my grasp or hope.Desire, she said she was just an attraction of the flesh. The temptress with song as sweet as honey and nectar. Was any resistance but futile? I fell, so entranced in that mesmerizing, dance.
You shall remain, as the beautiful portrait to admire.
Hope you appeared to show the power of miracles, but hope, can I trust?Hope she is transient, and as perceived, by the narrative of the mind's voice. A concept that remains an idealization of a belief.
You stand there as but a support in the distance.
Trust you came and gone once before, and come again you have. Given a chance, would you give one?Trust she is understanding and strong, and once lost is hard to regain. She will find, but would she bee seen? Let her not leave, for once gone, she is hard to seek.
You are still the strongest link after the years have passed.
Especially now, where those whom were called friends hardly are. Trust no one but yourself, that eternal mantra holds true. Just holding out for a foothold, and that pillar of support.
pondered @ 01:51
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Never mind me
Great men don't look at what they have and fear when it's going to end. Great men look at the mess they have and think "It's going to be the beginning of something great."
Great men face adversity with a smile and great men bring hope.
Maybe if the challenges were really not as tough, and each new day is a bright new beginning. There is much progress to work towards, and much understanding to come to, be it in moral, principle or way of life.
And maybe, to mild the approach. Martyrs are hardly welcome this day and age, and gentlemen who sway people with words are more in demand. Slowly and gradually, we seek to change the world, starting with the person next to us. One at a time.
A duty and honour, it is like a journey of a million miles, towards a destination unseen. What drives the spirit is a inclination, a calling to do something at least.
(Sometimes, I need a break, some encouragement and a incentive to plod on. Not for myself, for the people? Just someone to say thank you, it's worth it. Maybe. Brothers in arms, but still some piece is missing. Oh... Never mind my ramblings.)
pondered @ 21:34